
  • Written in Golang.
  • ./export.go and ./analysis
  • Go is a bootstrapped language, and the Go compiler is in the stdlib and accessed via ./export.go
  • Uses reflection and recursion to turn the Go typed AST into JSON data
  • Sends the json data over local TCP network to go2hx. go4hx uses the TCP client, and go2hx is the TCP server.
  • go4hx the name is a play on words of Go being used for Haxe.


  • Written in Haxe


  • Typer.hx handles all of the AST transformation.
  • Patch.hx patches the Go stdlib with Haxe code.
  • Gen.hx generates all of the Haxe files from arrays of TypeDefinition, creates the interop layer.
  • Main.hx entry point to the compiler handles the CLI arguments and calling ./src/Typer.hx and ./src/Gen.hx.
  • Printer.hx modified haxe.macro.Printer
  • Args.hx a fork of a fork of hxargs.
  • Cache.hx a cache to skip files already generated with the same contents as previously.
  • Network.hx a network abstraction of the TCP server that accepts connections from go4hx
  • Types.hx type information copied over from stdgo/_internal/internal/reflect/Reflect and used internally within the compiler and most of the time transformed into haxe.macro.Expr.ComplexType
  • Util.hx utility functions that are often used by scripts and src


  • StdGo.hx compiles Go's stdlib into Haxe and adds it to package stdgo


Most files here are compiled, the list below are the exceptions

  • Go.hx and Go.macro.hx the all in one class that handles creating interface{}/any(stdgo.AnyInterface), normal interfaces, it holds recover exception, etc. Best way to learn more is to read the api.
  • GoNumber.hx, GoInt32.hx etc, there are number abstracts that mimic how Go does math, for example Go integer division results in an integer.
  • Pointer an abstract class that mimics Pointers in Haxe.
  • Slice.hx an abstract class that represents the slice type []type.
  • Slice.hx an abstract class that represents the Go array type [count]type.
  • AnyInterface an abstract class that represents any type in Go any or interface{}.