


Module: stdgo.encoding.csv

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import stdgo.encoding.csv.Csv
var errBareQuote:stdgo.Error
var errFieldCount:stdgo.Error
var errQuote:stdgo.Error
var errTrailingComma:stdgo.Error


import stdgo.encoding.csv.*

class Csv

Package csv reads and writes comma-separated values (CSV) files.
    There are many kinds of CSV files; this package supports the format
    described in RFC 4180.

A csv file contains zero or more records of one or more fields per record. Each record is separated by the newline character. The final record may optionally be followed by a newline character.


White space is considered part of a field.

Carriage returns before newline characters are silently removed.

Blank lines are ignored. A line with only whitespace characters (excluding the ending newline character) is not considered a blank line.

Fields which start and stop with the quote character " are called quoted-fields. The beginning and ending quote are not part of the field.

The source:

    	normal string,"quoted-field"

results in the fields

    	{`normal string`, `quoted-field`}

Within a quoted-field a quote character followed by a second quote character is considered a single quote.

    	"the ""word"" is true","a ""quoted-field"""

results in

    	{`the "word" is true`, `a "quoted-field"`}

Newlines and commas may be included in a quoted-field

    	field","comma is ,"

results in

    	field`, `comma is ,`}

Csv function newReader

function newReader(_r:stdgo._internal.io.Reader):stdgo.encoding.csv.Reader

NewReader returns a new Reader that reads from r.

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Csv function newWriter

function newWriter(_w:stdgo._internal.io.Writer):stdgo.encoding.csv.Writer

NewWriter returns a new Writer that writes to w.

(view code)


abstract ParseError

(view file containing code)

abstract Reader

(view file containing code)

abstract T_position

(view file containing code)

abstract Writer

(view file containing code)