


Module: stdgo.fmt

(view library index)




import stdgo.fmt.Fmt

function isSpace

function isSpace()

(view code)

function parsenum

function parsenum(:stdgo.GoString, :stdgo.GoInt, :stdgo.GoInt):{

(view code)


import stdgo.fmt.*

class Fmt

    	end_4020460 = len(format)
    	argNum_4020480 = 0
    	afterIndex_4020551 = false
    	p.reordered = false
    	gotoNext = 4020642
    	_ = gotoNext == 4020642
    	i_4020659 = 0
    	formatLoopBreak = false
    	gotoNext = 4020655
    	_ = gotoNext == 4020655
    	if !formatLoopBreak && (i_4020659 < end_4020460) {
    		gotoNext = 4020676
    		_ = gotoNext == 4020676
    		p.goodArgNum = true
    		lasti_4020702 = i_4020659
    		_ = 0
    		gotoNext = 4020715
    		_ = gotoNext == 4020715
    		if i_4020659 < end_4020460 && format[i_4020659] != 37 {
    			gotoNext = 4020747
    			_ = gotoNext == 4020747
    			gotoNext = 4020715
    		} else {
    			gotoNext = 4020762
    		_ = gotoNext == 4020762
    		if i_4020659 > lasti_4020702 {
    			gotoNext = 4020775
    			_ = gotoNext == 4020775
    			gotoNext = 4020821
    		} else {
    			gotoNext = 4020821
    		_ = gotoNext == 4020821
    		if i_4020659 >= end_4020460 {
    			gotoNext = 4020833
    			_ = gotoNext == 4020833
    			gotoNext = 4024486
    			gotoNext = 4020909
    		} else {
    			gotoNext = 4020909
    		_ = gotoNext == 4020909
    		gotoNext = 4020959
    		_ = gotoNext == 4020959
    		_ = 0
    		simpleFormatBreak = false
    		gotoNext = 4020975
    		_ = gotoNext == 4020975
    		if !simpleFormatBreak && (i_4020659 < end_4020460) {
    			gotoNext = 4020994
    			_ = gotoNext == 4020994
    			c_4020999 = format[i_4020659]
    			_ = 0
    			gotoNext = 4021017
    			_ = gotoNext == 4021017
    			switch c_4020999 {
    			case 35:
    				gotoNext = 4021031
    				_ = gotoNext == 4021031
    				p.fmt.sharp = true
    				gotoNext = 4020990
    			case 48:
    				gotoNext = 4021067
    				_ = gotoNext == 4021067
    				p.fmt.zero = !p.fmt.minus
    				gotoNext = 4020990
    			case 43:
    				gotoNext = 4021150
    				_ = gotoNext == 4021150
    				p.fmt.plus = true
    				gotoNext = 4020990
    			case 45:
    				gotoNext = 4021185
    				_ = gotoNext == 4021185
    				p.fmt.minus = true
    				p.fmt.zero = false
    				gotoNext = 4020990
    			case 32:
    				gotoNext = 4021283
    				_ = gotoNext == 4021283
    				p.fmt.space = true
    				gotoNext = 4020990
    				gotoNext = 4021319
    				_ = gotoNext == 4021319
    				if 97 <= c_4020999 && c_4020999 <= 122 && argNum_4020480 < len(a) {
    					gotoNext = 4021496
    					_ = gotoNext == 4021496
    					_ = 0
    					gotoNext = 4021503
    					_ = gotoNext == 4021503
    					switch c_4020999 {
    					case 119:
    						gotoNext = 4021519
    						_ = gotoNext == 4021519
    						p.wrappedErrs = append(p.wrappedErrs, argNum_4020480)
    						gotoNext = 4021604
    						gotoNext = 4021789
    					case 118:
    						gotoNext = 4021604
    						_ = gotoNext == 4021604
    						p.fmt.sharpV = p.fmt.sharp
    						p.fmt.sharp = false
    						p.fmt.plusV = p.fmt.plus
    						p.fmt.plus = false
    						gotoNext = 4021789
    						gotoNext = 4021789
    					_ = gotoNext == 4021789
    					p.printArg(a[argNum_4020480], rune(c_4020999))
    					gotoNext = 4020655
    					gotoNext = 4021954
    				} else {
    					gotoNext = 4021954
    				_ = gotoNext == 4021954
    				simpleFormatBreak = true
    				gotoNext = 4020975
    				gotoNext = 4020990
    			_ = gotoNext == 4020990
    			gotoNext = 4020975
    		} else {
    			gotoNext = 4022029
    		_ = gotoNext == 4022029
    		argNum_4020480, i_4020659, afterIndex_4020551 = p.argNumber(argNum_4020480, format, i_4020659, len(a))
    		if i_4020659 < end_4020460 && format[i_4020659] == 42 {
    			gotoNext = 4022149
    			_ = gotoNext == 4022149
    			p.fmt.wid, p.fmt.widPresent, argNum_4020480 = intFromArg(a, argNum_4020480)
    			if !p.fmt.widPresent {
    				gotoNext = 4022246
    				_ = gotoNext == 4022246
    				gotoNext = 4022389
    			} else {
    				gotoNext = 4022389
    			_ = gotoNext == 4022389
    			if p.fmt.wid < 0 {
    				gotoNext = 4022406
    				_ = gotoNext == 4022406
    				p.fmt.wid = -p.fmt.wid
    				p.fmt.minus = true
    				p.fmt.zero = false
    				gotoNext = 4022528
    			} else {
    				gotoNext = 4022528
    			_ = gotoNext == 4022528
    			afterIndex_4020551 = false
    			gotoNext = 4022734
    		} else {
    			gotoNext = 4022556
    			_ = gotoNext == 4022556
    			p.fmt.wid, p.fmt.widPresent, i_4020659 = parsenum(format, i_4020659, end_4020460)
    			if afterIndex_4020551 && p.fmt.widPresent {
    				gotoNext = 4022656
    				_ = gotoNext == 4022656
    				p.goodArgNum = false
    				gotoNext = 4022734
    			} else {
    				gotoNext = 4022734
    			gotoNext = 4022734
    		_ = gotoNext == 4022734
    		if i_4020659+1 < end_4020460 && format[i_4020659] == 46 {
    			gotoNext = 4022767
    			_ = gotoNext == 4022767
    			if afterIndex_4020551 {
    				gotoNext = 4022793
    				_ = gotoNext == 4022793
    				p.goodArgNum = false
    				gotoNext = 4022841
    			} else {
    				gotoNext = 4022841
    			_ = gotoNext == 4022841
    			argNum_4020480, i_4020659, afterIndex_4020551 = p.argNumber(argNum_4020480, format, i_4020659, len(a))
    			if i_4020659 < end_4020460 && format[i_4020659] == 42 {
    				gotoNext = 4022938
    				_ = gotoNext == 4022938
    				p.fmt.prec, p.fmt.precPresent, argNum_4020480 = intFromArg(a, argNum_4020480)
    				if p.fmt.prec < 0 {
    					gotoNext = 4023089
    					_ = gotoNext == 4023089
    					p.fmt.prec = 0
    					p.fmt.precPresent = false
    					gotoNext = 4023152
    				} else {
    					gotoNext = 4023152
    				_ = gotoNext == 4023152
    				if !p.fmt.precPresent {
    					gotoNext = 4023174
    					_ = gotoNext == 4023174
    					gotoNext = 4023224
    				} else {
    					gotoNext = 4023224
    				_ = gotoNext == 4023224
    				afterIndex_4020551 = false
    				gotoNext = 4023415
    			} else {
    				gotoNext = 4023253
    				_ = gotoNext == 4023253
    				p.fmt.prec, p.fmt.precPresent, i_4020659 = parsenum(format, i_4020659, end_4020460)
    				if !p.fmt.precPresent {
    					gotoNext = 4023345
    					_ = gotoNext == 4023345
    					p.fmt.prec = 0
    					p.fmt.precPresent = true
    					gotoNext = 4023415
    				} else {
    					gotoNext = 4023415
    				gotoNext = 4023415
    			gotoNext = 4023415
    		} else {
    			gotoNext = 4023415
    		_ = gotoNext == 4023415
    		if !afterIndex_4020551 {
    			gotoNext = 4023430
    			_ = gotoNext == 4023430
    			argNum_4020480, i_4020659, afterIndex_4020551 = p.argNumber(argNum_4020480, format, i_4020659, len(a))
    			gotoNext = 4023505
    		} else {
    			gotoNext = 4023505
    		_ = gotoNext == 4023505
    		if i_4020659 >= end_4020460 {
    			gotoNext = 4023517
    			_ = gotoNext == 4023517
    			gotoNext = 4024486
    			gotoNext = 4023570
    		} else {
    			gotoNext = 4023570
    		_ = gotoNext == 4023570
    		verb_4023570, size_4023576 = rune(format[i_4020659]), 1
    		if verb_4023570 >= 128 {
    			gotoNext = 4023630
    			_ = gotoNext == 4023630
    			verb_4023570, size_4023576 = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(format[i_4020659:])
    			gotoNext = 4023690
    		} else {
    			gotoNext = 4023690
    		_ = gotoNext == 4023690
    		i_4020659 += size_4023576
    		_ = 0
    		gotoNext = 4023703
    		_ = gotoNext == 4023703
    		switch {
    		case verb_4023570 == 37:
    			gotoNext = 4023714
    			_ = gotoNext == 4023714
    			gotoNext = 4024486
    		case !p.goodArgNum:
    			gotoNext = 4023824
    			_ = gotoNext == 4023824
    			gotoNext = 4024486
    		case argNum_4020480 >= len(a):
    			gotoNext = 4023867
    			_ = gotoNext == 4023867
    			gotoNext = 4024486
    		case verb_4023570 == 119:
    			gotoNext = 4023970
    			_ = gotoNext == 4023970
    			p.wrappedErrs = append(p.wrappedErrs, argNum_4020480)
    			gotoNext = 4024054
    			gotoNext = 4024486
    		case verb_4023570 == 118:
    			gotoNext = 4024054
    			_ = gotoNext == 4024054
    			p.fmt.sharpV = p.fmt.sharp
    			p.fmt.sharp = false
    			p.fmt.plusV = p.fmt.plus
    			p.fmt.plus = false
    			gotoNext = 4024234
    			gotoNext = 4024486
    			gotoNext = 4024234
    			_ = gotoNext == 4024234
    			p.printArg(a[argNum_4020480], verb_4023570)
    			gotoNext = 4024486
    		gotoNext = 4020655
    	} else {
    		gotoNext = 4024486
    	_ = gotoNext == 4024486
    	if !p.reordered && argNum_4020480 < len(a) {
    		gotoNext = 4024521
    		_ = gotoNext == 4024521
    		p.buf.writeString("%!(EXTRA ")
    		if 0 < len(a[argNum_4020480:]) {
    			gotoNext = 4024848
    			_ = gotoNext == 4024848
    			i_4024583, arg_4024586 = 0, a[argNum_4020480:][0]
    			gotoNext = 4024849
    			_ = gotoNext == 4024849
    			if i_4024583 < len(a[argNum_4020480:]) {
    				gotoNext = 4024610
    				_ = gotoNext == 4024610
    				arg_4024586 = a[argNum_4020480:][i_4024583]
    				if i_4024583 > 0 {
    					gotoNext = 4024624
    					_ = gotoNext == 4024624
    					p.buf.writeString(", ")
    					gotoNext = 4024674
    				} else {
    					gotoNext = 4024674
    				_ = gotoNext == 4024674
    				if arg_4024586 == nil {
    					gotoNext = 4024688
    					_ = gotoNext == 4024688
    					gotoNext = 4024583
    				} else {
    					gotoNext = 4024738
    					_ = gotoNext == 4024738
    					p.printArg(arg_4024586, 118)
    					gotoNext = 4024583
    				_ = gotoNext == 4024583
    				gotoNext = 4024849
    			} else {
    				gotoNext = 4024853
    			gotoNext = 4024853
    		} else {
    			gotoNext = 4024853
    		_ = gotoNext == 4024853
    		gotoNext = 4024877
    	} else {
    		gotoNext = 4024877
    	_ = gotoNext == 4024877
    	gotoNext = -1

Fmt function append

function append(_b:Array<UInt>, _a:haxe.Rest<stdgo.AnyInterface>):Array<UInt>
Append formats using the default formats for its operands, appends the result to
        the byte slice, and returns the updated slice.

(view code)

Fmt function appendf

function appendf(_b:Array<UInt>, _format:String, _a:haxe.Rest<stdgo.AnyInterface>):Array<UInt>
Appendf formats according to a format specifier, appends the result to the byte
        slice, and returns the updated slice.

(view code)

Fmt function appendln

function appendln(_b:Array<UInt>, _a:haxe.Rest<stdgo.AnyInterface>):Array<UInt>
Appendln formats using the default formats for its operands, appends the result
        to the byte slice, and returns the updated slice. Spaces are always added
        between operands and a newline is appended.

(view code)

Fmt function errorf

function errorf(_format:String, _a:haxe.Rest<stdgo.AnyInterface>):stdgo.Error
Errorf formats according to a format specifier and returns the string as a
        value that satisfies error.

If the format specifier includes a %w verb with an error operand, the returned error will implement an Unwrap method returning the operand. If there is more than one %w verb, the returned error will implement an Unwrap method returning a []error containing all the %w operands in the order they appear in the arguments. It is invalid to supply the %w verb with an operand that does not implement the error interface. The %w verb is otherwise a synonym for %v.

(view code)

Fmt function formatString

function formatString(_state:stdgo.fmt.State, _verb:Int):String
FormatString returns a string representing the fully qualified formatting
        directive captured by the State, followed by the argument verb. (State does not
        itself contain the verb.) The result has a leading percent sign followed by any
        flags, the width, and the precision. Missing flags, width, and precision are
        omitted. This function allows a Formatter to reconstruct the original
        directive triggering the call to Format.

(view code)

Fmt function fprint

function fprint(_w:stdgo._internal.io.Writer, _a:haxe.Rest<stdgo.AnyInterface>):stdgo.Tuple<Int, stdgo.Error>
Fprint formats using the default formats for its operands and writes to w.
        Spaces are added between operands when neither is a string.
        It returns the number of bytes written and any write error encountered.

(view code)

Fmt function fprintf

function fprintf(_w:stdgo._internal.io.Writer, _format:String, _a:haxe.Rest<stdgo.AnyInterface>):stdgo.Tuple<Int, stdgo.Error>
Fprintf formats according to a format specifier and writes to w.
        It returns the number of bytes written and any write error encountered.

(view code)

Fmt function fprintln

function fprintln(_w:stdgo._internal.io.Writer, _a:haxe.Rest<stdgo.AnyInterface>):stdgo.Tuple<Int, stdgo.Error>
Fprintln formats using the default formats for its operands and writes to w.
        Spaces are always added between operands and a newline is appended.
        It returns the number of bytes written and any write error encountered.

(view code)

Fmt function fscan

function fscan(_r:stdgo._internal.io.Reader, _a:haxe.Rest<stdgo.AnyInterface>):stdgo.Tuple<Int, stdgo.Error>
Fscan scans text read from r, storing successive space-separated
        values into successive arguments. Newlines count as space. It
        returns the number of items successfully scanned. If that is less
        than the number of arguments, err will report why.

(view code)

Fmt function fscanf

function fscanf(_r:stdgo._internal.io.Reader, _format:String, _a:haxe.Rest<stdgo.AnyInterface>):stdgo.Tuple<Int, stdgo.Error>
Fscanf scans text read from r, storing successive space-separated
        values into successive arguments as determined by the format. It
        returns the number of items successfully parsed.
        Newlines in the input must match newlines in the format.

(view code)

Fmt function fscanln

function fscanln(_r:stdgo._internal.io.Reader, _a:haxe.Rest<stdgo.AnyInterface>):stdgo.Tuple<Int, stdgo.Error>
Fscanln is similar to Fscan, but stops scanning at a newline and
        after the final item there must be a newline or EOF.

(view code)

Fmt function print

function print(_a:haxe.Rest<stdgo.AnyInterface>):stdgo.Tuple<Int, stdgo.Error>
Print formats using the default formats for its operands and writes to standard output.
        Spaces are added between operands when neither is a string.
        It returns the number of bytes written and any write error encountered.

(view code)

Fmt function printf

function printf(_format:String, _a:haxe.Rest<stdgo.AnyInterface>):stdgo.Tuple<Int, stdgo.Error>
Printf formats according to a format specifier and writes to standard output.
        It returns the number of bytes written and any write error encountered.

(view code)

Fmt function println

function println(_a:haxe.Rest<stdgo.AnyInterface>):stdgo.Tuple<Int, stdgo.Error>
Println formats using the default formats for its operands and writes to standard output.
        Spaces are always added between operands and a newline is appended.
        It returns the number of bytes written and any write error encountered.

(view code)

Fmt function scan

function scan(_a:haxe.Rest<stdgo.AnyInterface>):stdgo.Tuple<Int, stdgo.Error>
Scan scans text read from standard input, storing successive
        space-separated values into successive arguments. Newlines count
        as space. It returns the number of items successfully scanned.
        If that is less than the number of arguments, err will report why.

(view code)

Fmt function scanf

function scanf(_format:String, _a:haxe.Rest<stdgo.AnyInterface>):stdgo.Tuple<Int, stdgo.Error>
Scanf scans text read from standard input, storing successive
        space-separated values into successive arguments as determined by
        the format. It returns the number of items successfully scanned.
        If that is less than the number of arguments, err will report why.
        Newlines in the input must match newlines in the format.
        The one exception: the verb %c always scans the next rune in the
        input, even if it is a space (or tab etc.) or newline.

(view code)

Fmt function scanln

function scanln(_a:haxe.Rest<stdgo.AnyInterface>):stdgo.Tuple<Int, stdgo.Error>
Scanln is similar to Scan, but stops scanning at a newline and
        after the final item there must be a newline or EOF.

(view code)

Fmt function sprint

function sprint(_a:haxe.Rest<stdgo.AnyInterface>):String
Sprint formats using the default formats for its operands and returns the resulting string.
        Spaces are added between operands when neither is a string.

(view code)

Fmt function sprintf

function sprintf(_format:String, _a:haxe.Rest<stdgo.AnyInterface>):String

Sprintf formats according to a format specifier and returns the resulting string.

(view code)

Fmt function sprintln

function sprintln(_a:haxe.Rest<stdgo.AnyInterface>):String
Sprintln formats using the default formats for its operands and returns the resulting string.
        Spaces are always added between operands and a newline is appended.

(view code)

Fmt function sscan

function sscan(_str:String, _a:haxe.Rest<stdgo.AnyInterface>):stdgo.Tuple<Int, stdgo.Error>
Sscan scans the argument string, storing successive space-separated
        values into successive arguments. Newlines count as space. It
        returns the number of items successfully scanned. If that is less
        than the number of arguments, err will report why.

(view code)

Fmt function sscanf

function sscanf(_str:String, _format:String, _a:haxe.Rest<stdgo.AnyInterface>):stdgo.Tuple<Int, stdgo.Error>
Sscanf scans the argument string, storing successive space-separated
        values into successive arguments as determined by the format. It
        returns the number of items successfully parsed.
        Newlines in the input must match newlines in the format.

(view code)

Fmt function sscanln

function sscanln(_str:String, _a:haxe.Rest<stdgo.AnyInterface>):stdgo.Tuple<Int, stdgo.Error>
Sscanln is similar to Sscan, but stops scanning at a newline and
        after the final item there must be a newline or EOF.

(view code)


import stdgo.fmt.*

typedef Formatter

typedef Formatter = stdgo._internal.fmt.Formatter;

typedef GoStringer

typedef GoStringer = stdgo._internal.fmt.GoStringer;

typedef ScanState

typedef ScanState = stdgo._internal.fmt.ScanState;

typedef Scanner

typedef Scanner = stdgo._internal.fmt.Scanner;

typedef State

typedef State = stdgo._internal.fmt.State;

typedef Stringer

typedef Stringer = stdgo._internal.fmt.Stringer;

typedef T_buffer

typedef T_buffer = stdgo._internal.fmt.T_buffer;

typedef T_stringReader

typedef T_stringReader = stdgo._internal.fmt.T_stringReader;


abstract T_wrapError

(view file containing code)

abstract T_wrapErrors

(view file containing code)

abstract T_fmtFlags

(view file containing code)

abstract T_fmt

(view file containing code)

abstract T_pp

(view file containing code)

abstract T_scanError

(view file containing code)

abstract T_ss

(view file containing code)

abstract T_ssave

(view file containing code)

abstract T_readRune

(view file containing code)