


Module: stdgo.internal.poll

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Package poll supports non-blocking I/O on file descriptors with polling. This supports I/O operations that block only a goroutine, not a thread. This is used by the net and os packages. It uses a poller built into the runtime, with support from the runtime scheduler.



import stdgo.internal.poll.Poll
final _maxRW:stdgo.GoUInt64 = ((0 : stdgo.GoUInt64))

Darwin and FreeBSD can't read or write 2GB+ files at a time, even on 64-bit systems. The same is true of socket implementations on many systems. See golang.org/issue/7812 and golang.org/issue/16266. Use 1GB instead of, say, 2GB-1, to keep subsequent reads aligned.

final _mutexClosed:stdgo.GoUInt64 = ((0 : stdgo.GoUInt64))

fdMutex.state is organized as follows: 1 bit - whether FD is closed, if set all subsequent lock operations will fail. 1 bit - lock for read operations. 1 bit - lock for write operations. 20 bits - total number of references (read+write+misc). 20 bits - number of outstanding read waiters. 20 bits - number of outstanding write waiters.

final _mutexRLock:stdgo.GoUInt64 = ((0 : stdgo.GoUInt64))

fdMutex.state is organized as follows: 1 bit - whether FD is closed, if set all subsequent lock operations will fail. 1 bit - lock for read operations. 1 bit - lock for write operations. 20 bits - total number of references (read+write+misc). 20 bits - number of outstanding read waiters. 20 bits - number of outstanding write waiters.

final _mutexRMask:stdgo.GoUInt64 = ((0 : stdgo.GoUInt64))

fdMutex.state is organized as follows: 1 bit - whether FD is closed, if set all subsequent lock operations will fail. 1 bit - lock for read operations. 1 bit - lock for write operations. 20 bits - total number of references (read+write+misc). 20 bits - number of outstanding read waiters. 20 bits - number of outstanding write waiters.

final _mutexRWait:stdgo.GoUInt64 = ((0 : stdgo.GoUInt64))

fdMutex.state is organized as follows: 1 bit - whether FD is closed, if set all subsequent lock operations will fail. 1 bit - lock for read operations. 1 bit - lock for write operations. 20 bits - total number of references (read+write+misc). 20 bits - number of outstanding read waiters. 20 bits - number of outstanding write waiters.

final _mutexRef:stdgo.GoUInt64 = ((0 : stdgo.GoUInt64))

fdMutex.state is organized as follows: 1 bit - whether FD is closed, if set all subsequent lock operations will fail. 1 bit - lock for read operations. 1 bit - lock for write operations. 20 bits - total number of references (read+write+misc). 20 bits - number of outstanding read waiters. 20 bits - number of outstanding write waiters.

final _mutexRefMask:stdgo.GoUInt64 = ((0 : stdgo.GoUInt64))

fdMutex.state is organized as follows: 1 bit - whether FD is closed, if set all subsequent lock operations will fail. 1 bit - lock for read operations. 1 bit - lock for write operations. 20 bits - total number of references (read+write+misc). 20 bits - number of outstanding read waiters. 20 bits - number of outstanding write waiters.

final _mutexWLock:stdgo.GoUInt64 = ((0 : stdgo.GoUInt64))

fdMutex.state is organized as follows: 1 bit - whether FD is closed, if set all subsequent lock operations will fail. 1 bit - lock for read operations. 1 bit - lock for write operations. 20 bits - total number of references (read+write+misc). 20 bits - number of outstanding read waiters. 20 bits - number of outstanding write waiters.

final _mutexWMask:stdgo.GoUInt64 = ((0 : stdgo.GoUInt64))

fdMutex.state is organized as follows: 1 bit - whether FD is closed, if set all subsequent lock operations will fail. 1 bit - lock for read operations. 1 bit - lock for write operations. 20 bits - total number of references (read+write+misc). 20 bits - number of outstanding read waiters. 20 bits - number of outstanding write waiters.

final _mutexWWait:stdgo.GoUInt64 = ((0 : stdgo.GoUInt64))

fdMutex.state is organized as follows: 1 bit - whether FD is closed, if set all subsequent lock operations will fail. 1 bit - lock for read operations. 1 bit - lock for write operations. 20 bits - total number of references (read+write+misc). 20 bits - number of outstanding read waiters. 20 bits - number of outstanding write waiters.

final _overflowMsg:stdgo.GoString = (("" : stdgo.GoString))


import stdgo.internal.poll.Poll
var _dupCloexecUnsupported:stdgo.sync.atomic_.Bool_

dupCloexecUnsupported indicates whether F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC is supported by the kernel.

var errDeadlineExceeded:stdgo.Error

ErrDeadlineExceeded is returned for an expired deadline. This is exported by the os package as os.ErrDeadlineExceeded.

var errFileClosing:stdgo.Error

ErrFileClosing is returned when a file descriptor is used after it has been closed.

var errNetClosing:stdgo.internal.poll.T_errNetClosing

ErrNetClosing is returned when a network descriptor is used after it has been closed.

var errNoDeadline:stdgo.Error

ErrNoDeadline is returned when a request is made to set a deadline on a file type that does not use the poller.

var errNotPollable:stdgo.Error

ErrNotPollable is returned when the file or socket is not suitable for event notification.


import stdgo.internal.poll.Poll

function _accept

function _accept(_s:stdgo.GoInt):{

Wrapper around the accept system call that marks the returned file descriptor as nonblocking and close-on-exec.

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function _consume

function _consume(_v:stdgo.Ref<stdgo.Slice<stdgo.Slice<stdgo.GoByte>>>, _n:stdgo.GoInt64):Void

consume removes data from a slice of byte slices, for writev.

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function _dupCloseOnExecOld

function _dupCloseOnExecOld(_fd:stdgo.GoInt):{

dupCloseOnExecOld is the traditional way to dup an fd and set its O_CLOEXEC bit, using two system calls.

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function _errClosing

function _errClosing(_isFile:Bool):stdgo.Error

Return the appropriate closing error based on isFile.

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function _ignoringEINTR

function _ignoringEINTR(_fn:():stdgo.Error):stdgo.Error

ignoringEINTR makes a function call and repeats it if it returns an EINTR error. This appears to be required even though we install all signal handlers with SA_RESTART: see #22838, #38033, #38836, #40846. Also #20400 and #36644 are issues in which a signal handler is installed without setting SA_RESTART. None of these are the common case, but there are enough of them that it seems that we can't avoid an EINTR loop.

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function _ignoringEINTRIO

function _ignoringEINTRIO(_fn:(_fd:stdgo.GoInt, _p:stdgo.Slice<stdgo.GoByte>):{
}, _fd:stdgo.GoInt, _p:stdgo.Slice<stdgo.GoByte>):{

ignoringEINTRIO is like ignoringEINTR, but just for IO calls.

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function _runtime_Semacquire

function _runtime_Semacquire(_sema:stdgo.Pointer<stdgo.GoUInt32>):Void

Implemented in runtime package.

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function _runtime_Semrelease

function _runtime_Semrelease(_sema:stdgo.Pointer<stdgo.GoUInt32>):Void

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function _setDeadlineImpl

function _setDeadlineImpl(_fd:stdgo.Ref<stdgo.internal.poll.FD>, _t:stdgo.time.Time, _mode:stdgo.GoInt):stdgo.Error

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function acceptFunc

function acceptFunc()

AcceptFunc is used to hook the accept call.

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function closeFunc

function closeFunc()

CloseFunc is used to hook the close call.

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function dupCloseOnExec

function dupCloseOnExec(_fd:stdgo.GoInt):{

DupCloseOnExec dups fd and marks it close-on-exec.

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function isPollDescriptor

function isPollDescriptor(_fd:stdgo.GoUIntptr):Bool

IsPollDescriptor reports whether fd is the descriptor being used by the poller. This is only used for testing.

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function testHookDidWritev

function testHookDidWritev()

TestHookDidWritev is a hook for testing writev.

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import stdgo.internal.poll.*

class DeadlineExceededError

DeadlineExceededError is returned for an expired deadline.

DeadlineExceededError function new

function new():Void

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DeadlineExceededError function error

function error():stdgo.GoString

Implement the net.Error interface. The string is "i/o timeout" because that is what was returned by earlier Go versions. Changing it may break programs that match on error strings.

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DeadlineExceededError function temporary

function temporary():Bool

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DeadlineExceededError function timeout

function timeout():Bool

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class FD

FD is a file descriptor. The net and os packages use this type as a field of a larger type representing a network connection or OS file.

var _csema:stdgo.GoUInt32

Semaphore signaled when file is closed.

var _fdmu:stdgo.internal.poll.T_fdMutex

Lock sysfd and serialize access to Read and Write methods.

var _isBlocking:stdgo.GoUInt32

Non-zero if this file has been set to blocking mode.

var _isFile:Bool

Whether this is a file rather than a network socket.

var _pd:stdgo.internal.poll.T_pollDesc

I/O poller.

var isStream:Bool

Whether this is a streaming descriptor, as opposed to a packet-based descriptor like a UDP socket. Immutable.

var sysFile:stdgo.internal.poll.SysFile

Platform dependent state of the file descriptor.

var sysfd:stdgo.GoInt

System file descriptor. Immutable until Close.

var zeroReadIsEOF:Bool

Whether a zero byte read indicates EOF. This is false for a message based socket connection.

FD function _init

function _init():Void

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FD function new

function new(?_fdmu:stdgo.internal.poll.T_fdMutex, ?sysfd:stdgo.GoInt, ?sysFile:stdgo.internal.poll.SysFile, ?_pd:stdgo.internal.poll.T_pollDesc, ?_csema:stdgo.GoUInt32, ?_isBlocking:stdgo.GoUInt32, ?isStream:Bool, ?zeroReadIsEOF:Bool, ?_isFile:Bool):Void

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FD function _decref

function _decref():stdgo.Error

decref removes a reference from fd. It also closes fd when the state of fd is set to closed and there is no remaining reference.

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FD function _destroy

function _destroy():stdgo.Error

Destroy closes the file descriptor. This is called when there are no remaining references.

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FD function _eofError

function _eofError( _n:stdgo.GoInt, _err:stdgo.Error):stdgo.Error

eofError returns io.EOF when fd is available for reading end of file.

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FD function _incref

function _incref():stdgo.Error

incref adds a reference to fd. It returns an error when fd cannot be used.

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FD function _init

function _init():Void

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FD function _readLock

function _readLock():stdgo.Error

readLock adds a reference to fd and locks fd for reading. It returns an error when fd cannot be used for reading.

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FD function _readUnlock

function _readUnlock():Void

readUnlock removes a reference from fd and unlocks fd for reading. It also closes fd when the state of fd is set to closed and there is no remaining reference.

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FD function _writeLock

function _writeLock():stdgo.Error

writeLock adds a reference to fd and locks fd for writing. It returns an error when fd cannot be used for writing.

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FD function _writeUnlock

function _writeUnlock():Void

writeUnlock removes a reference from fd and unlocks fd for writing. It also closes fd when the state of fd is set to closed and there is no remaining reference.

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FD function accept

function accept():{

Accept wraps the accept network call.

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FD function close

function close():stdgo.Error

Close closes the FD. The underlying file descriptor is closed by the destroy method when there are no remaining references.

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FD function dup

function dup():{

Dup duplicates the file descriptor.

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FD function fchdir

function fchdir():stdgo.Error

Fchdir wraps syscall.Fchdir.

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FD function fchmod

function fchmod( _mode:stdgo.GoUInt32):stdgo.Error

Fchmod wraps syscall.Fchmod.

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FD function fchown

function fchown( _uid:stdgo.GoInt, _gid:stdgo.GoInt):stdgo.Error

Fchown wraps syscall.Fchown.

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FD function fstat

function fstat( _s:stdgo.Ref<stdgo.syscall.Stat_t>):stdgo.Error

Fstat wraps syscall.Fstat

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FD function fsync

function fsync():stdgo.Error

Fsync wraps syscall.Fsync.

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FD function ftruncate

function ftruncate( _size:stdgo.GoInt64):stdgo.Error

Ftruncate wraps syscall.Ftruncate.

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FD function init

function init( _net:stdgo.GoString, _pollable:Bool):stdgo.Error

Init initializes the FD. The Sysfd field should already be set. This can be called multiple times on a single FD. The net argument is a network name from the net package (e.g., "tcp"), or "file". Set pollable to true if fd should be managed by runtime netpoll.

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FD function pread

function pread( _p:stdgo.Slice<stdgo.GoByte>, _off:stdgo.GoInt64):{

Pread wraps the pread system call.

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FD function pwrite

function pwrite( _p:stdgo.Slice<stdgo.GoByte>, _off:stdgo.GoInt64):{

Pwrite wraps the pwrite system call.

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FD function rawControl

function rawControl( _f:()):stdgo.Error

RawControl invokes the user-defined function f for a non-IO operation.

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FD function rawRead

function rawRead( _f:()):stdgo.Error

RawRead invokes the user-defined function f for a read operation.

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FD function rawWrite

function rawWrite( _f:()):stdgo.Error

RawWrite invokes the user-defined function f for a write operation.

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FD function read

function read( _p:stdgo.Slice<stdgo.GoByte>):{

Read implements io.Reader.

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FD function readDirent

function readDirent( _buf:stdgo.Slice<stdgo.GoByte>):{

ReadDirent wraps syscall.ReadDirent. We treat this like an ordinary system call rather than a call that tries to fill the buffer.

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FD function readFrom

function readFrom( _p:stdgo.Slice<stdgo.GoByte>):{

ReadFrom wraps the recvfrom network call.

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FD function readFromInet4

function readFromInet4( _p:stdgo.Slice<stdgo.GoByte>, _from:stdgo.Ref<stdgo.syscall.SockaddrInet4>):{

ReadFromInet4 wraps the recvfrom network call for IPv4.

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FD function readFromInet6

function readFromInet6( _p:stdgo.Slice<stdgo.GoByte>, _from:stdgo.Ref<stdgo.syscall.SockaddrInet6>):{

ReadFromInet6 wraps the recvfrom network call for IPv6.

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FD function readMsg

function readMsg( _p:stdgo.Slice<stdgo.GoByte>, _oob:stdgo.Slice<stdgo.GoByte>, _flags:stdgo.GoInt):{

ReadMsg wraps the recvmsg network call.

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FD function readMsgInet4

function readMsgInet4( _p:stdgo.Slice<stdgo.GoByte>, _oob:stdgo.Slice<stdgo.GoByte>, _flags:stdgo.GoInt, _sa4:stdgo.Ref<stdgo.syscall.SockaddrInet4>):{

ReadMsgInet4 is ReadMsg, but specialized for syscall.SockaddrInet4.

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FD function readMsgInet6

function readMsgInet6( _p:stdgo.Slice<stdgo.GoByte>, _oob:stdgo.Slice<stdgo.GoByte>, _flags:stdgo.GoInt, _sa6:stdgo.Ref<stdgo.syscall.SockaddrInet6>):{

ReadMsgInet6 is ReadMsg, but specialized for syscall.SockaddrInet6.

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FD function seek

function seek( _offset:stdgo.GoInt64, _whence:stdgo.GoInt):{

Seek wraps syscall.Seek.

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FD function setBlocking

function setBlocking():stdgo.Error

SetBlocking puts the file into blocking mode.

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FD function setDeadline

function setDeadline( _t:stdgo.time.Time):stdgo.Error

SetDeadline sets the read and write deadlines associated with fd.

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FD function setReadDeadline

function setReadDeadline( _t:stdgo.time.Time):stdgo.Error

SetReadDeadline sets the read deadline associated with fd.

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FD function setWriteDeadline

function setWriteDeadline( _t:stdgo.time.Time):stdgo.Error

SetWriteDeadline sets the write deadline associated with fd.

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FD function shutdown

function shutdown( _how:stdgo.GoInt):stdgo.Error

Shutdown wraps syscall.Shutdown.

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FD function waitWrite

function waitWrite():stdgo.Error

WaitWrite waits until data can be read from fd.

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FD function write

function write( _p:stdgo.Slice<stdgo.GoByte>):{

Write implements io.Writer.

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FD function writeMsg

function writeMsg( _p:stdgo.Slice<stdgo.GoByte>, _oob:stdgo.Slice<stdgo.GoByte>, _sa:stdgo.syscall.Sockaddr):{

WriteMsg wraps the sendmsg network call.

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FD function writeMsgInet4

function writeMsgInet4( _p:stdgo.Slice<stdgo.GoByte>, _oob:stdgo.Slice<stdgo.GoByte>, _sa:stdgo.Ref<stdgo.syscall.SockaddrInet4>):{

WriteMsgInet4 is WriteMsg specialized for syscall.SockaddrInet4.

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FD function writeMsgInet6

function writeMsgInet6( _p:stdgo.Slice<stdgo.GoByte>, _oob:stdgo.Slice<stdgo.GoByte>, _sa:stdgo.Ref<stdgo.syscall.SockaddrInet6>):{

WriteMsgInet6 is WriteMsg specialized for syscall.SockaddrInet6.

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FD function writeOnce

function writeOnce( _p:stdgo.Slice<stdgo.GoByte>):{

WriteOnce is for testing only. It makes a single write call.

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FD function writeTo

function writeTo( _p:stdgo.Slice<stdgo.GoByte>, _sa:stdgo.syscall.Sockaddr):{

WriteTo wraps the sendto network call.

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FD function writeToInet4

function writeToInet4( _p:stdgo.Slice<stdgo.GoByte>, _sa:stdgo.Ref<stdgo.syscall.SockaddrInet4>):{

WriteToInet4 wraps the sendto network call for IPv4 addresses.

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FD function writeToInet6

function writeToInet6( _p:stdgo.Slice<stdgo.GoByte>, _sa:stdgo.Ref<stdgo.syscall.SockaddrInet6>):{

WriteToInet6 wraps the sendto network call for IPv6 addresses.

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class SysFile

var _iovecs:stdgo.Ref<stdgo.Slice<stdgo.syscall.Iovec>>

Writev cache.

SysFile function new

function new(?_iovecs:stdgo.Ref<stdgo.Slice<stdgo.syscall.Iovec>>):Void

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SysFile function _destroy

function _destroy( _fd:stdgo.GoInt):stdgo.Error

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SysFile function _init

function _init():Void

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