


Module: stdgo.io.fs

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import stdgo.io.fs.Fs
final modeAppend:stdgo._internal.io.fs.FileMode = stdgo._internal.io.fs.Fs_modeAppend.modeAppend
final modeCharDevice:stdgo._internal.io.fs.FileMode = stdgo._internal.io.fs.Fs_modeCharDevice.modeCharDevice
final modeDevice:stdgo._internal.io.fs.FileMode = stdgo._internal.io.fs.Fs_modeDevice.modeDevice
final modeDir:stdgo.io.fs.FileMode = stdgo._internal.io.fs.Fs_modeDir.modeDir
final modeExclusive:stdgo._internal.io.fs.FileMode = stdgo._internal.io.fs.Fs_modeExclusive.modeExclusive
final modeIrregular:stdgo._internal.io.fs.FileMode = stdgo._internal.io.fs.Fs_modeIrregular.modeIrregular
final modeNamedPipe:stdgo._internal.io.fs.FileMode = stdgo._internal.io.fs.Fs_modeNamedPipe.modeNamedPipe
final modePerm:stdgo.io.fs.FileMode = stdgo._internal.io.fs.Fs_modePerm.modePerm
final modeSetgid:stdgo._internal.io.fs.FileMode = stdgo._internal.io.fs.Fs_modeSetgid.modeSetgid
final modeSetuid:stdgo._internal.io.fs.FileMode = stdgo._internal.io.fs.Fs_modeSetuid.modeSetuid
final modeSocket:stdgo._internal.io.fs.FileMode = stdgo._internal.io.fs.Fs_modeSocket.modeSocket
final modeSticky:stdgo._internal.io.fs.FileMode = stdgo._internal.io.fs.Fs_modeSticky.modeSticky
final modeSymlink:stdgo._internal.io.fs.FileMode = stdgo._internal.io.fs.Fs_modeSymlink.modeSymlink
final modeTemporary:stdgo._internal.io.fs.FileMode = stdgo._internal.io.fs.Fs_modeTemporary.modeTemporary
final modeType:stdgo.io.fs.FileMode = stdgo._internal.io.fs.Fs_modeType.modeType


import stdgo.io.fs.Fs
var errClosed:stdgo.Error
var errExist:stdgo.Error
var errInvalid:stdgo.Error
var errNotExist:stdgo.Error
var errPermission:stdgo.Error
var skipAll:stdgo.Error
var skipDir:stdgo.Error


import stdgo.io.fs.*

class Fs

Package fs defines basic interfaces to a file system.
    A file system can be provided by the host operating system
    but also by other packages.

Fs function fileInfoToDirEntry

function fileInfoToDirEntry(_info:stdgo.io.fs.FileInfo):stdgo.io.fs.DirEntry
FileInfoToDirEntry returns a DirEntry that returns information from info.
        If info is nil, FileInfoToDirEntry returns nil.

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Fs function formatDirEntry

function formatDirEntry(_dir:stdgo.io.fs.DirEntry):String
FormatDirEntry returns a formatted version of dir for human readability.
        Implementations of DirEntry can call this from a String method.
        The outputs for a directory named subdir and a file named hello.go are:
        	d subdir/
        	- hello.go

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Fs function formatFileInfo

function formatFileInfo(_info:stdgo.io.fs.FileInfo):String
FormatFileInfo returns a formatted version of info for human readability.
        Implementations of FileInfo can call this from a String method.
        The output for a file named "hello.go", 100 bytes, mode 0o644, created
        January 1, 1970 at noon is
        	-rw-r--r-- 100 1970-01-01 12:00:00 hello.go

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Fs function glob

function glob(_fsys:stdgo.io.fs.FS, _pattern:String):stdgo.Tuple<Array<String>, stdgo.Error>
Glob returns the names of all files matching pattern or nil
        if there is no matching file. The syntax of patterns is the same
        as in path.Match. The pattern may describe hierarchical names such as

Glob ignores file system errors such as I/O errors reading directories. The only possible returned error is path.ErrBadPattern, reporting that the pattern is malformed.

If fs implements GlobFS, Glob calls fs.Glob. Otherwise, Glob uses ReadDir to traverse the directory tree and look for matches for the pattern.

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Fs function readDir

function readDir(_fsys:stdgo.io.fs.FS, _name:String):stdgo.Tuple<Array<stdgo.io.fs.DirEntry>, stdgo.Error>
ReadDir reads the named directory
        and returns a list of directory entries sorted by filename.

If fs implements ReadDirFS, ReadDir calls fs.ReadDir. Otherwise ReadDir calls fs.Open and uses ReadDir and Close on the returned file.

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Fs function readFile

function readFile(_fsys:stdgo.io.fs.FS, _name:String):stdgo.Tuple<Array<UInt>, stdgo.Error>
ReadFile reads the named file from the file system fs and returns its contents.
        A successful call returns a nil error, not io.EOF.
        (Because ReadFile reads the whole file, the expected EOF
        from the final Read is not treated as an error to be reported.)

If fs implements ReadFileFS, ReadFile calls fs.ReadFile. Otherwise ReadFile calls fs.Open and uses Read and Close on the returned file.

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Fs function stat

function stat(_fsys:stdgo.io.fs.FS, _name:String):stdgo.Tuple<stdgo.io.fs.FileInfo, stdgo.Error>

Stat returns a FileInfo describing the named file from the file system.

If fs implements StatFS, Stat calls fs.Stat. Otherwise, Stat opens the file to stat it.

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Fs function sub

function sub(_fsys:stdgo.io.fs.FS, _dir:String):stdgo.Tuple<stdgo.io.fs.FS, stdgo.Error>

Sub returns an FS corresponding to the subtree rooted at fsys's dir.

If dir is ".", Sub returns fsys unchanged. Otherwise, if fs implements SubFS, Sub returns fsys.Sub(dir). Otherwise, Sub returns a new FS implementation sub that, in effect, implements sub.Open(name) as fsys.Open(path.Join(dir, name)). The implementation also translates calls to ReadDir, ReadFile, and Glob appropriately.

Note that Sub(os.DirFS("/"), "prefix") is equivalent to os.DirFS("/prefix") and that neither of them guarantees to avoid operating system accesses outside "/prefix", because the implementation of os.DirFS does not check for symbolic links inside "/prefix" that point to other directories. That is, os.DirFS is not a general substitute for a chroot-style security mechanism, and Sub does not change that fact.

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Fs function validPath

function validPath(_name:String):Bool
ValidPath reports whether the given path name
        is valid for use in a call to Open.

Path names passed to open are UTF-8-encoded, unrooted, slash-separated sequences of path elements, like “x/y/z”. Path names must not contain an element that is “.” or “..” or the empty string, except for the special case that the root directory is named “.”. Paths must not start or end with a slash: “/x” and “x/” are invalid.

Note that paths are slash-separated on all systems, even Windows. Paths containing other characters such as backslash and colon are accepted as valid, but those characters must never be interpreted by an FS implementation as path element separators.

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Fs function walkDir

function walkDir(_fsys:stdgo.io.fs.FS, _root:String, _fn:stdgo.io.fs.WalkDirFunc):stdgo.Error
WalkDir walks the file tree rooted at root, calling fn for each file or
        directory in the tree, including root.

All errors that arise visiting files and directories are filtered by fn: see the fs.WalkDirFunc documentation for details.

The files are walked in lexical order, which makes the output deterministic but requires WalkDir to read an entire directory into memory before proceeding to walk that directory.

WalkDir does not follow symbolic links found in directories, but if root itself is a symbolic link, its target will be walked.

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import stdgo.io.fs.*

typedef DirEntry

typedef DirEntry = stdgo._internal.io.fs.DirEntry;

typedef FS

typedef FS = stdgo._internal.io.fs.FS;

typedef File

typedef File = stdgo._internal.io.fs.File;

typedef FileInfo

typedef FileInfo = stdgo._internal.io.fs.FileInfo;

typedef FileMode

typedef FileMode = stdgo._internal.io.fs.FileMode;

typedef GlobFS

typedef GlobFS = stdgo._internal.io.fs.GlobFS;

typedef ReadDirFS

typedef ReadDirFS = stdgo._internal.io.fs.ReadDirFS;

typedef ReadDirFile

typedef ReadDirFile = stdgo._internal.io.fs.ReadDirFile;

typedef ReadFileFS

typedef ReadFileFS = stdgo._internal.io.fs.ReadFileFS;

typedef StatFS

typedef StatFS = stdgo._internal.io.fs.StatFS;

typedef SubFS

typedef SubFS = stdgo._internal.io.fs.SubFS;

typedef T__interface_0

typedef T__interface_0 = stdgo._internal.io.fs.T__interface_0;

typedef WalkDirFunc

typedef WalkDirFunc = stdgo._internal.io.fs.WalkDirFunc;


abstract PathError

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abstract T_dirInfo

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abstract T_subFS

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abstract T_statDirEntry

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